DOT HazMat Employee
In the US, all hazmat shipments that leave your facility must comply with the US DOT
Hazardous Materials Regulations (49 CFR). Training is mandatory for managers and
employees who prepare hazmat for transport. The DOT hazmat rules are stringent.
DOT training requirements are required based on what hazardous material shipments
are occurring at your facility. The Department of Transportation states that training is
required, according to 172.704, every two or three years, based on whether you ship
via air or ground. Training is mandatory for managers and employees who prepare
hazardous materials for transport. The DOT Hazmat rules are specific and include:
General awareness
Function specific
Security awareness
Security in depth
Our training sessions provided general awareness information. In addition to meeting the requirements of DOT General Awareness training, companies may need to include Function Specific training for their employees: We provide these topics during our General Awareness Training, but may not be in enough depth for your employees to complete their tasks. DOT compliance will review training to determine if additional training is needed.
Topics that are typically included in function specific training should include the standard procedures employees follow when handling hazardous materials bound for transport. All of the function specific training would need additional site-specific procedure information. The most common subjects we offer are:
DOT Hazmat: Function Specific - Hazard Classes and Divisions;
DOT Hazmat: Function Specific - Labeling & marking;
DOT Hazmat: Function Specific – Loading;
DOT Hazmat: Function Specific - Using the Hazmat Table (HMT)
DOT-Hazmat Function Specific – Special permits