Machine Guarding Assessments
Moving machine parts have great potential to cause severe workplace injuries
such as crushed fingers or hands, burns, amputations, and even blindness.
Implementing safeguards to prevent your employees from coming into contact
with these moving machine parts is an essential part of maintaining a safe work
environment. Any part, function or process that may cause injury due to moving
parts requires a safeguard per 29 CFR 1910.212. Whenever a machine operation
or accidental contact could injure the operator or others in the vicinity, the hazard
must be controlled or eliminated.
Machine guarding came in at number nine on OSHA’s Top 10 Most Cited list for
2018, so it is a very pertinent issue in the safety world. STEP has devised multiple
resources to aid in being compliant with the machine guarding standard: 1-hr awareness, 2-hr general, 4-hr application and audits, and a machine guarding assessment checklist. In addition to this, we offer onsite machine guarding assessments if they are needed. These courses will specifically address the following aspects of machine guarding:
Regulatory Overview of 1910.212
Basic Guarding Principles
Hazards Associated with Various Machines
Review of Site-Specific Equipment
Importance of Machine Guarding in Injury Prevention
Areas that Need Guarding
Appropriate Types of Guarding
These training courses may be conducted onsite or at a designated offsite location. While these programs are standardized and general, we can easily format them in order to cater to your specific needs. Avoid OSHA’s Top Ten list by allowing STEP to assist you in your machine guarding safety endeavors!