Falls are the LEADING cause of death in construction. There are, however, plenty of ways that falls can be prevented. May 3-7 is National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction. We wanted to take the time to raise awareness for Fall Prevention and provide tips for both Construction and General Industry workers. OSHA’s three-step guidance includes:
PLAN ahead to get the job done safely
Use fall protection when working at or above 4 ft (General Industry) and 6 ft (Construction)
Put a barrier around or cover all holes, openings, and skylights
Develop a facility plan to ensure all bases of fall protection are covered
PROVIDE the right equipment
Anchorage point
Lanyard or lifeline
Ensure all equipment used is the right fit for its user
TRAIN everyone to use the equipment safely
Inspect all fall protection equipment before and after it is used. If equipment is found to be damaged or defective, take it out of service immediately
Ensure the user is knowledgeable on the equipment needed for the specific task they are performing. Also, ensure they are aware of the limitations of their equipment
Speak up! If you see something that looks unsafe, bring it to your attention!